Tampa Bay Watch is dedicated to fostering a healthy Tampa Bay watershed through community-driven restoration projects, education programs, and outreach initiatives.
Have questions about Tampa Bay Watch? We can help.
Storm water is rainwater that does not soak into the ground, but instead runs over hard surfaces (roofs, lawns, driveways, sidewalks, and streets) while picking up pollutants along the way. Eventually, those pollutants, driven by rainwater, dump into our waterways.
What is storm water?
H2O makes up two-thirds of the Earth’s surface, working to regulate our global climate. Water is what we drink, how we cook, where we play—it’s how we survive!
We all know Earth’s H2O falls down from the clouds in liquid form as rain, but what you may not know is that it eventually drains into our larger bodies of water.
Our approach
Marking curbside storm drains with placards that read “DUMP NO WASTE, DRAINS TO BAY” is just one of the ways we can help educate about the importance of clean water. The goal is to remind us that our personal actions, whether inland or along a coastline, impact our larger waterways.
Storm Drain Markings
Involve your group
Help us install storm drain placards in your neighborhood! These service projects are driven by local citizens like yourself. Let us know if you have recommended sites or target neighborhoods that could use a large scale marking event. We will take the necessary action and obtain neighborhood association approvals, as well as provide placards and related supplies to mark the storm drains.
Not sure where to dispose of household chemicals like paint or motor oil? Pinellas County has a guide!
Improper fertilizer use is responsible for much of the excess nutrients entering the bay. To find out more about how to maintain a Florida-friendly yard, visit BeFloridian.com.
Watergoat Trash Removal
Watergoats (the threaded, floating buoy structure shown below) help to capture litter before it’s carried by the tides further into our waterways. The netting is safe for wildlife and does not stop water flow.
The trapped debris is scooped up by staff and volunteers to be properly disposed of, while collecting valuable marine debris data.
This infographic from our first year of collection results (2019) in one of our St. Petersburg watergoats is just a start. The most common culprits are plastic beverage bottles, cigarettes and cigar tips, straws, Styrofoam, grocery bags, and food wrappers.